Welcome to our Reception and Year 1 Class for 2024/25
We have high expectations that encourage good habits, promote ambition and positive attitudes to learning. This will enable our children to grow to be literate, numerate, digitally competent and independent life-long learners. They will be happy, healthy, safe and contribute creatively and ethically to our community, Wales and the world.
Here you’ll find out information about what and how your child will be learning in school to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding through the learning opportunities planned for carefully by the class teacher.
Meet the Teacher
Here you will find the Meet the Teacher PowerPoint from our annual meeting in September. You will gain information about your child’s learning, routines of the classroom and how you can help to support your child’s learning at home.
What will my child be learning about?
Please watch the video clip below for information about our school curriculum and see the termly overview linked to below which shares exactly which skills, what knowledge and experiences your child will be having or developing this term.
To find out what your child will be learning about this term, please click on the link below:
Termly Overview
Autumn Term Overview

Additional Learning Needs Reform
Please watch this video too which shares information about Additional Learning Needs Reform and how our school is going to implement it successfully, ensuring that the needs of all pupils are met.